less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...
less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...

Bye Bye Vienna - IWMC 2016 took place in Austria

Yesterday, Ragnar Wighus, president of the International Water Mist Association (IWMA), announced that the 17th International Water Mist Conference (IWMC) will take place in Rome, Italy, on 20th and 21st September 2017.

IWMA president Ragnar Wighus announces the date and venue for IWMC 2017

During the previous two days, 100 attendees from as far as Australia, Japan and the United States attended IWMC2016 in Vienna, Austria. Member of the IWMA Board Luciano Nigro conducted a panel discussion on the quality of the systems. Conclusion: “Water mist systems are ready for the market, although some optimization is still necessary.”

IWMA member of the board Luciano Nigro chairs the panel discussion (on the panel: Jonathan Carpenter, Christian Kopp, Markku Vuorisalo, Rüdiger Kopp

In all, 20 speakers from ten countries updated the audience. Joachim Böke, MinimaxViking and chairman of CEN/TC 191/ WG10, elaborated on the European standardization work and the progress of EN 14972.

Joachim Böke, MinimaxVking, updates the audience

Angel Abbud-Madrid (Colorado School of Mines) talked about the water mist portable fire extinguishers which his team had developed together with ADA technologies for the International Space Station (ISS).

Angel Abbud-Madrid on PFEs for ISS

On day two, IWMA president Ragnar Wighus presented Daniel A. Martin with the “IWMA Award for Young Talents / Master”.  

IWMA president and IWMA Young Talent of the Year Daniel A. Martin

“This year’s event was really packed with many, many highlights”, concludes Bettina McDowell, IWMA general manager.

(top story from 23rd September 2016 - 5th October 2016)