Bettina McDowell explains how water mist works! Please click the picture above to watch the video!
Please read the paragraphs marked yellow:
- Atomized Futures (article on the history of water mist, how does water mist work, fields of application by Bettina McDowell / IWMA) Industrial Fire Journal, issue 100 / Summer 2015, on page 54
- Water Mist Technology - History, Effectiveness and Efficiency (by IWMA Chairman Ragnar Wighus and Bettina McDowell / IWMA) Asia Pacific Fire Magazine, issue 45 / March 2013, on page 27
- Healing the World by Design (by Bettina McDowell / IWMA) International Fire Protection, issue 84, December 2020 on page 86
- Equal or better (by Dean Reeve, VID Firekill), UK Fire, issue 17 / May 2022, on page 76
- How to find a good Water Mist System (by David Sherrington and Lewis Oxley, Danfoss Fire Safety) International Fire Protection, issue 91 / September 2022, on page 20
- Overview of modern Water Mist Systems (by IWMA Chairman Max Lakkonen) International Fire Protection ... read it online!
Presentation by Erling Mengshoel held during the UK Water Mist Seminar in 2016:
Looking at the chart below you can see for which classes of fire water mist systems are suitable and deployable: