less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...
less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...
192 results:
1. Board of Directors  
Board of Directors The members of the IWMA Board of Directors have various backgrounds and experiences. They represent scientific institutes, insurance and consulting companies as well as…  
2. Press Room  
Press Room  
3. IWMA in the Media  
IWMA (Members and Water Mist) in the Media Here you will find publications by IWMA and IWMA members about water mist and IWMA published in different magazines. Issue 101 (March 2025): Water…  
4. ed_IFSJ_April2025_Max-Lakkonen.pdf  
Max Lakkonen, President of IWMA, looks back at the past three decades of water mist systems “Water mist’s eco-friendly attributes—reduced water usage, no harmful additives— make it more appealing as…  
5. IWMA Representatives  
IWMA Representatives Henrik Abrahamsen (VID Firekill, Denmark) on the NFPA 25 technical committee and the Danish Water Mist and Sprinkler Committee Henrik Bygbjerg (SEM-SAFE Fire…  
6. Water Mist Guide Task Group  
The Water Mist Guide Task Group Many have been waiting for it. Now it is on its way! A Water Mist Guide written and published by the International Water Mist Association! The Plan is to publish…  
7. How does it work?  
How does it work? Bettina McDowell explains how water mist works! Please click the picture above to watch the video! Please read the paragraphs marked yellow: Atomized…  
8. ed_IFP101_Mar2025_Guy-Briscoe.pdf  
WATER MIST COMPLIANCE WITH RESIDENTIAL BUILDING REGULATIONS T he demand for residential fire suppression systems in the UK is increasing as building regulations continue to evolve, expanding the…  
9. Technical Committee WG 10  
CEN/TC 191/WG 10 (IWMA Representatives) Henrik Abrahamsen (VID Firekill) / Denmark Arnaud Breton (CNPP) / France Henrik Bygbjerg (Sem-Safe Fire Safety A/S) / Denmark Witali Engelhardt (FM…  
10. IWMA Articles  
Articles of the Association As agreed upon by the members of IWMA during the annual member meeting on 17th September 2024! To read the articles of the association please click HERE! …  
Search results 1 until 10 of 192