less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...
less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...

Scientific Council

Bogdan Raciega

Baltic Fire Laboratory, Poland


Kemal Sarp Arsava

RISE Norway

Magnus Arvidson

RISE Sweden

Are Wendelborg Brandt

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Arnaud Breton

CNPP, France

Siaka Dembele

Kingston University London, UK

Xiangyang Zhou


The IWMA Scientific Council is comprised of a group of fire protection scientists and engineers from testing laboratories, water mist system providers, authorities of jurisdiction, research institutes and universities around the world. The Council works with the Association Chief Executive on the evaluation of submissions to the annual Water Mist Conference and Young Talent Award, as well as the technical content update for the Association webpage. The Council also provides advisory input to the Association Board of Directors on special research projects, and other technical and scientific matters regarding water mist fire protection.

The members of the IWMA Scientific Council meet - according to the articles of the association - at least three times per annum. Their work is evaluated by the Board of Directors once a year. All IWMA committees keep close relations and their work intertwines where it is necessary and makes sense.