less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...
less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...

Corporate Members

Manufacturers Country Webpage
Aquasys Technik GmbH  Austria www.aquasys.at
Cristanini SpA Italy www.cristanini.com
Danfoss Fire Safety A/S  Denmark  www.semsafe.danfoss.com 
Danfoss High-Pressure Pumps Denmark  www.danfoss.com
firefly AB Sweden www.firefly.se
Fogtec Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG  Germany www.fogtec.com 
iCo Products UK  www.ico-products.com
I-Mist UK  https://imist.com 
Kington Process System  UK  www.kingtonprocess.com 
Lechler GmbH  Germany www.lechler.de 
Marioff Corporation Oy Finland www.marioff.com 
Pierre srl Italy www.pierre.it
Plumis Ltd. UK  https://plumis.co.uk/  
Prevent Systems AS Norway www.prevent-systems.no
RG Green Systems SL Spain www.rg-systems.com
Smartmist Systems Ltd. UK  www.mistingsolutions.co.uk
Tyco / Johnson Controls International  The Netherlands  www.johnsoncontrols.com 
Ultra Fog Sweden  www.ultrafog.com 
VID Fire-Kill ApS Denmark  www.vid.eu
Contractors / End Users  Country  Webpage 
ACM Contracting Pte. Ltd.  Singapore acmc.com.sg
I-Mist UK  https://imist.com 
Protec Camerfield Ltd.  UK  www.protec.co.uk
Smartmist Systems Ltd. UK  www.mistingsolutions.co.uk
Sterling and Wilson Pvt. Ltd. India www.sterlingandwilson.com
Installers Country  Webpage 
ACM Contracting Pte. Ltd.  Singapore acmc.com.sg
Aquasys Technik GmbH  Austria www.aquasys.at
Brandtechniek Nederland BV Netherlands https://brandtechniek.nl/
firefly AB Sweden www.firefly.se
Fireworks Fire Protection Ltd. UK  www.fireworks-ltd.com 
Fogtec Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG  Germany www.fogtec.com 
I-Mist UK  https://imist.com 
Kington Process System  UK  www.kingtonprocess.com 
Mist Fire Ltd. UK  www.mistfire.co.uk
Paragon Ltd. Israel www.paragon.co.il
Sandbäckens Brandskydd AB Sweden sandbackens.se
Smartmist Systems Ltd. UK  www.mistingsolutions.co.uk
Xcell Misting Ltd.  UK  www.xcellmisting.com 
Suppliers / Subcontractors Country  Webpage 
Aquasys Technik GmbH  Austria www.aquasys.at
Danfoss Fire Safety A/S  Denmark  www.semsafe.danfoss.com 
Fipe AG Switzerland www.fipe-system.com 
firefly AB Sweden www.firefly.se
Fogtec Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG  Germany www.fogtec.com 
I-Mist UK  https://imist.com 
Lechler GmbH  Germany www.lechler.de 
Mist Fire Ltd. UK  www.mistfire.co.uk
X-Fire Australia Pty. Ltd. Australia www.xfireau.com.au
ACM Contracting Pte. Ltd.  Singapore acmc.com.sg
Aquasys Technik GmbH  Austria www.aquasys.at
Brandtechniek Nederland BV Netherlands https://brandtechniek.nl/
I-Mist UK  https://imist.com 
RMC Corporate  Chile  www.rmccorporate.com
Smartmist Systems Ltd. UK  www.mistingsolutions.co.uk
X-Fire Australia Pty. Ltd. Australia www.xfireau.com.au
Service Companies    
Garant Safety  Lithuania  www.garant.eu
Universities, Research Institutes, Testing Laboratories Country Webpage 
Applus+ TST (TUNNEL SAFETY TESTING) Spain  www.tunneltest.com
Baltic Fire Laboratory  Poland  www.bafilab.com
CNPP France www.cnpp.com 
DFL Danish Fire Laboratories  Denmark  www.dafila.com 
Fogtec Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG  Germany www.fogtec.com 
IBS - Institut für Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung GmbH  Austria www.ibs-austria.at
IFAB GmbH  Germany www.ifab-fire.eu 
Norwegian University of Science and Technology  Norway www.ntnu.edu
RISE Fire Research Norway Norway www.spfr.no 
RISE Fire Research Sweden  Sweden  www.sp.se
Western Norway Univ. of Applied Sciences  Norway www.hvl.no
Insurances and Approval / Certification Bodies  Country  Webpage 
FM Global  USA www.fmglobal.com 
Underwriters Laboratories International B.V.  Netherlands  www.ul.com/netherlands
VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH  Germany www.vds.de
Consulting Companies / Engineering Offices Country  Webpage 
Djurs Consult Denmark www.djursconsult.dk
Fogtec Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG  Germany www.fogtec.com 
Jensen Hughes Italy srl Italy  www.jensenhughes.com
RMC Corporate  Chile  www.rmccorporate.com
Fire Departments  Country  Webpage 
Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority  UK  www.essex-fire.gov.uk/
Oslo Fire Department Norway www.oslo-kommune.no 
Associations, NGOs, NPOs (MoUs) Country  
DIVB Deutsches Institut für vorbeugenden Brandschutz  Germany www.divb.org
Supporting Members  Country Webpage 
Colorado School of Mines  USA www.mines.edu
Institut für Brand- und Katastrophenschutz Heyrothsberge  Germany https://ibk-heyrothsberge.sachsen-anhalt.de/aktuelles/