The Water Mist Task Group

The IWMA Water Mist Guide Group

Many have been waiting for it. Now it is on its way! A Water Mist Guide written and published by the International Water Mist Association! The Plan is to publich the guide at the end of 2024 (or in early 2025)!

The members of the task group are:

Bogdan Raciega (Baltic Fire Laboratory), Dirk Laibach (JCI), Mark Davies (Haar Technology), Henrik Bygbjerg (Danfoss Fire Safety), Rüdiger Kopp (Fogtec) ... from left to right!

Yusuf Muhammad and William Makant (Plumis), Bettina McDowell (IWMA), Erling Mengshoel (Prevent Systems) and Ryan Conaghan (Marioff) ... from left to right!
IWMA Störer
less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...
less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...