Are Brandt, former president of the International Water Mist Association and Laboratory Manager at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, has again been accepted as a member of the IWMA Scientific Council. After having had to step down from the position as president after two terms – as is required by the articles of the association – he had applied to rejoin the council. Are Brandt was elected IWMA president in 2018 and re-elected in 2021. Before 2018, he had been a member of the council from 2009 to 2018.
Are Brandt
The Scientific Council, chaired by Bogdan Raciega (Fire Laboratory Director at the Baltic Fire Laboratory), has now accepted the application. Bogdan Raciega says:
‘’It is an honour to have Are as a member of the Scientific Council. His extensive knowledge of water mist systems and years of experience in full-scale fire testing will provide indispensable strength to the Scientific Council team, which is expanding this year to better reach our members worldwide.
Bogdan Raciega
I would like to invite those interested in strengthening the Scientific Council team, particularly from the regions of Asia, South America, the Middle East, and Australia, to contact the IWMA Scientific Council - only together we can be stronger.’’
The IWMA Scientific Council is a group of well experienced fire protection scientists and engineers from testing laboratories, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs), research institutes and universities around the world. It provides advisory input to IWMA on technical and scientific matters, evaluates the IWMA conference abstracts, applications for the IWMA Young Talent Award and offers guidance to the water mist industry. It also participates in research programmes and provides technical and scientific guidance to the fire protection industry, especially when related to water mist systems or best practices.