less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...
less water +++ effective cooling +++ local inerting effect +++ does not harm humans +++ environmental friendly +++ cost effective +++ proven to international protocols and standards +++ reliable & flexible ...


News about the publication of the EN 14972

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IWMA Scientific Council Member Magnus Arvidson defends his Thesis on "Water Mist Fire Protection Systems"

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IWMA would like to thank Dr. Böke for his great work in developing the European Water Mist Standard together with WG10

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After more than ten years on the Board of Directors Erik Christensen gives up his seat due to his retirement


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From 2021, IWMA will collect data on fire incidents to be able to write an annual report including a statistical breakdown.

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Water mist is eco-friendly and sustainable and fits into a world that is facing many challenges when it comes to the protection of the environment.

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Peter Clauss hands over seat to Dirk Laibach (both Johnsons Control)

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25 Years ago, FM 5560 was published which proves that water mist is not so new after all ...

Pool fire test
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IWMA Board appoints Rüdiger Kopp as Representative

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... is Ms Ann Micheli (Ultrafog)

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